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Wednesday, April 26

SO Shuai! SO Chio!

Need i say anything more. They look so good together! Well.. This was taken a few years back yet Richie looks as though he hasn't aged abit! Older men are so much more attractive.. Haha. Mayb only Richie larh. Haha. Trying to find a more recent pic of him but you can compare his present 2005 album and this photo. Not too much of a diff. SO shuai...... Think i have a thing for China guys. *Shrugs!*

Tuesday, April 25

Fly Me to Polaris (Xing Yuan)

This show is so nice.... Zhang bo zhi really acted super well. Even though Ren Xianqi don't look as good as he did in Summer holiday here in this show somehow the songs made up for the lack of visual satisfaction. The song is super touching i could listen to it whole day and not get tired of it. It's called "Ge Ni Xing FU". I seriously think Ren Xianqi has an addictive voice. It's like at first there's just nothing much to it but the more you hear his voice the more you wanna listen to it. And before i could realize, i was already addicted to his voice. Can't wake up without listening to him lor. Even my hp alarm is set to his voice. Haha. Hai. Quite bad coz now only he motivates me. Can't work properly even without listening to him. So i have Ren Xianqi on one ear and the customer rattling on the other. Helps alot when you feel like strangling the person on the other end of the line. Ah well. Whatever works and whatever keeps me going...

Wednesday, April 19

Finally that day of the month is coming liao.

Yah pay day lor... Hav been spending soo much on my vcd & dvd hunt. Kinda guilty too. Realized ebay is a great place to look for stuff that you cannot find in the market liao. Really happy! Found lotsa old shows of richie which i couldn't find in new shops. Now i know where to find certain oldies. Hehe. The places where youngsters usually don't hang out are where these treasures are really hidden man.. Boy was i in luck. I have gotten hold of almost all of richie's movies. Hahaha. Just afew more which i am gonna get from ebay. And thank god for my dad! Cause the irritating show which he used to watch relentlessly over the weekends was actually what i was looking for all these while! The condor heroes acted by richie was being chucked away at a corner in my dad's room. Haha!!! Thank god i realized that the theme song of that show was actually sung by richie which led to my discovery that i had a piece of treasure laying right in my own home. Who would have guessed! It must be my lucky day! Richie is so so so cute!! =)

Friday, April 14

I watched Xia Re Momo Cha last night....

And i fell in love with Richie Ren !!!
He looks so good to me at that moment which spurred me to buy every cd i could find with his face on it. Call me crazy cause i really dont know why i did that man. Someone stop me!! Okok this mtv was from the show. Just thought i'd post it online for people who want reminiscences of the show. *swoon....*

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