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Thursday, July 12

~*~Hana Kimi~*~ Ikemen Paradise!

TomA + Shun = Kissu???

I promise u this is not all
I took like millions of caps
Coz Toma is toOoOoOooooooo cUUuUuuUuuuuuute!
He is like ....


I wonder why he is not like Johnny's no. 1 boy.

I bet every girl will feel doki doki when seeing Toma ~su ne.

And he is like so cute in the show!

Cuase his reaction when he is like so shocked by the fact that he likes Maki in the show who is a boy!

Is SO cuuuuuUUUuuuuUUuuuute!!!!!!!

I neeed more of HanaKimi!!

More of TOMA!!!!!


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