My darling PiPi finally cut his hair!! Isn't he kawaii~!!♥

I love it when he looks at me like that~♥

Tegoshi kun mo kakko ii yo! Shinpai shinakute ne! ♥

Minna iru kai?? Hoshi wo Mezashite~~♥

Massu ~!! Bikkuri shitaAaa.... LoL.. Demo kawaii~~♥

Kakko ii Kakko ii~~ Dai suki~~~♥

You! Ore to hoshi wo mezasu zo!! LoL~~♥

NewS ganbatta! Konno kyoku dai suki! Patiently waiting for NewS Calender to arrive~Seems like alot of people have alrdy received theirs and gotten their confirmation email from hmv japan.. Nande atashi no wa sonna ni osokunacchatta ka na.. Nvm. Patience is a virtue and the long wait ever since Jan was worth it! I'm sure after the sneak peak at scans from minna's Lj.. Its really sugoi~ That everyone took the pains to scan everything in.. So that people like us (overly excited fans) can satisfy our desires.. Huhuhu..