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Wednesday, January 10

OMG I am SO fudging touched!

I finally finished Byakkotai night2. It was SOooOooOooo tOuching! OMG.

Though i can't feel the patriotism bit. My emotions were truly moving with the show.

Every scene keeps getting better and kept my thoughts transfixed as i tried to

figure out the little details. I hope subbers at Ls will complete the subs soon

so i can watch it again for details. I teared a little when the mothers were sending

their sons out to war. I couldn't help but feel scared for Mineji(Pi's character)

in the shooting scenes. I was so afraid he would get shot!! And my worst fear came

true. I felt depressed the whole time. War is such a spastic mistake in history.

And Gisaburou(Koki's character) should not have carried out seppuku at all! It was

stupid to assume that they lost! They really died so unnecessarily yet honourably.

My heart totally sank when Gisaburou slit his stomach. It looked so real (his face)

which was in pain and torment. I wanted to tell him. I LOVE YOU GISABUROU! You are

so brave! OMG. I think i am so falling for tanaka koki. Shoots. YamaP's gonna hate

me. But he really looked awesome. Koki can so act. Sorry pipi though i did shed a lil

tear when you were fighting so bravely after finding out the other team had done

seppuku. Blood on your face looked really kakko ii na. (hmm though it should be kowai

to a certain extent) Ah i think i know why. Anything on Pi's face would look kakko

ii. Haha. That's why. It's Yamashita Tomohisa. On a last note, i think koki

definitely suits his role as Gisaburou. He should totally act in more samurai

related shows. He looks uber hot in the outfit lemme tell you. It seems like

Byakkotai was a success i feel. Definitely captured my heart and now i am totally

smitten by koki's character in the show and his love for Aizu (his clan).

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