<bgsound src="http://www.filelodge.com/files/room27/726613/Shuji%20to%20Akira%20-%20Colourful.wma">

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Thursday, January 4

My second video..


Yoroshiku! I do not like this very much since its very blur. Sigh. Whatever. This is what you get from free services. The song is nice though. Just wanted to share the song. ~Luffs~ Yup. It's mostly posters that i bought. ALL YAMAPiPiPipipipi!! And also the purikura machine shop that had lotsa kattun and pi pictures dorned around the entire shop! There was once very nice but torn picture of YamaP. Think someone tired to steal it but it was stuck to the wall or something. ~LoL~ I really don't know man. Anyway. It's suppose to be a quick paced song so the photos keep repeating.. haha.. sorry if it bores you. Need to take more than one look at yamaP anyway though so repeat is good haha.. enjoy! The song and Pi!

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