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Monday, January 22

~LMAO~ *Johnny-san's lingo is just killling me right now*

This video clip is CHO funny. It was when Shuuji to Akira was formed. Yes its THAT long ago.

31 oct 2005 video clip.

Talking about why Shuuji to Akira was formed and various rumours about Johnny Kitagawa.

Also what happened during the first interviews with Johnny for the various Johnny's members.

MatsuJun, Kanjani8, Kinki, Tackey..

And of course Kame and Yamap.

YOU! Kichai na yo!

Boku ga yumei na Janii desU (I am the famous Johnny) Thats what Johnny said to yamap at his
first interview.. LoL

Sekai no Janii desU!

Puuru kichai na yo~! (Come to the pool alrdy)

YOU SAA (can you use it like that!? lmao) kyo nichi youbi da kara..

Boku shigoto ka na to omou (I thought it was work)

YOU (In ENGLISH) nani yatten no?




LAMO~!! Johnny-san's lingo is seriously one of a kind in the world.

Cracked me up completely!! YOU Kichai na yo~~~~~

LMAO ROFL *Completely knocked me off my chair*

I am totally thinking of this sentence the whole night.

*Rolls on floor*

I cannot stop laughing!!!!!!

Well. It's sugoi omoshiroi how the japanese language can be used..

Saa, maa, ijou.

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