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Sunday, November 19

The Right Signs

I have been searching for you within my heart,
But your vague appearance leaves me lost.
I struggled to keep myself sane when we're apart,
Counting down to the days when i will see snow for the first time.

Will you stop and say hi if we meet,
Or will you just pass by my side.
No one around me understands this love deep inside,
But none of their impressions bothers my belief.

I try harder and harder each time,
Just to save myself from this crazy world.
But everyone thinks i'm just having fun,
But i won't stop even if the signs fade.

Endlessly searching for the right signs,
Through the thoughts and eyes of others.
Is this the right sign,
You ask yourself when you look up.


My love for Yamapi rose a notch!

Can't wait for death note part II to come out!


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