Lately i have been having weird dreams.
I dreamt of insects last night!
And i woke up feeling really really worried desho.
I think something weird is happening around me.
I don't know what it is but i definitely feel worried.
Like something bad will happen.
This feeling is very very worrying.
If only i could be as optimistic as Yamapi.
His jweb always lift my spirits up.
It is a really really nice feeling deep down inside.
I can't put it into words properly but the only thing is ...
I think Yamapi is a really great guy and we are lucky to be his fans.
But he is too Pi perfect to be with one person alone.
He should belong to the world..
And mayb one day the world will become a Yamapi world!
With Yamapi posters everywhere!
Love Yamapi everyday like there's no tomorrow ~笑~笑~笑