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Wednesday, October 11

Letter No. 2

I have just sent out my letter to Pi this week.

I have drafted a total of 7 letters b4 sending it out.

Am i thinking too much?


I'm really really scared he might find it weird that i am so upfront.

Then i heard another rumour about Pi.


This is really really bad for the heart.

I feel that sometimes i think too much about things.

And i worry too much.

But it's like after i have read Pi's diary and column.

Suddenly everything else seems so beautiful.


Like the sun is so red and round this morning and immediately i thought about Pi.

And yesterday i saw this old couple crossing the road and the uncle was pushing his

wife in a wheelchair and i loved that sight coz Pi also mentioned something about

that kinda scene which touched him alot.


It's like an infatuation!

I seriously need to calm down i am getting too glued to Pi alrdy.

Kame where are you!

Tasukette kure!

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