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Friday, October 13

\(~0~)/ The Window to my soul \(~0~)/

This is the theme song to the movie ~Nana~

But i haven't watched it yet.

It's such a nice song!

~Endless story~

I think the kind of song one listens to speaks volumes on the character.


I should think so.

Pi really seems to like raggae pop nowadays.

Gives me a feeling that he is really westernized in terms of his personilty.

Which is quite different from what i imagined at first.

Sigh. Hmm. What type of Pi do i prefer?

Which brings me to the thought that hey maybe in real life he is really different.

Since on screen he is often reserved and careful about what he says.

Which is how most celebs are anyway.

I really like Pi's new image now.

Especially in Popolo where he took a picture with a child

I set it as my bg image.

Don't you just love Pi more and more every single day !?

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