Why is this happening?
Is there something seriously wrong with me?
What's wrong with my body?
But actually i don't really care if i die right now.
I'm just afraid of pain.
Like physical humanly pain.
So what's so scary about death?
Death is just like sleeping just that you will never ever wake up.
That's all there is to death.
Perhaps the only thing that holds us back is relationships.
Humanly relationships.
Sometimes we just have to harden our hearts and tell ourselves we have to go one day.
To be with God.
And even if that time comes sooner, so be it.
God has planned our lives in such a way that we shd live each day like it was our last on earth.
Life on Earth indeed isn't eternal and it isn't our last destination~
So where should it be? Our final stop.
Up in heaven. With God. Of course.
That's where we should all be.. safe in his warm embrace~