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Wednesday, August 9


太陽の光の中 君は 僕の腕の中で

時計の針が進んでいく どんな夢を見てる?

忘れない 2人繋いだ手と手 温かい温もり
思い出を 沢山作ろう

*2 これからの2人には どんな2人が待ってるの?
特別なんて何もいらない 君が笑うだけ
好きだから不安だよ 感じる今このすべてが
そっと抱きしめ愛を確かめるから 目を開けたその時

はしゃぎまわる 猫のように
僕の心の中にそっと いつも傍にいるから

忘れてさ 2人で行こうよ 夢の中へ

僕らには 何が必要なんだろう
愛の涙 いくらでも流せばいい

強がりな君だけど 見せる子供のような目を
流した涙 全て受け止め 包み込むよ
頼りない僕だけど 君を想うよ誰よりも
何でもないささやかな事さえ 特別な幸せ

苦しい時ただ傍にいてくれる それだけで幸せなんだ
雨上がりの晴れた日も ずっと・・・


Every morning I wake up to the same old life
In the sunlight, you're in my arms

As the alarm rings
The hands of the clock keep ticking; what are you dreaming of?

I won't forget the warmth of your hand in mine
Let's make a lot of memories

What sort of couple will we be in the future?
I don't need anything special, so long as you're smiling
I'm anxious because I love you; when I open my eyes
I softly embrace everything I can feel, to confirm our love

You're like a playful cat
Inside my heart and always by my side

Forget about a mistake you'll never make again
Let's go together into our dream

What do we need?
No one has the answer
You can always cry tears of love

You try to be strong, but you look at me with the eyes of a child
I'll wrap you up, accepting everything, including your tears
I'm unreliable, but I love you more than anyone
Even the littlest things are a special happiness

What have you seen?
What have you experienced?
Just the fact that you'll be by my side in hard times makes me happy
What awaits us?
Let's overcome everything together
On days we fight
And on sunny days after the rain, forever...

What sort of couple will we be in the future?
I don't need anything special, so long as you're smiling
I'm anxious because I love you; when I open my eyes
I softly embrace everything I can feel, to confirm our love

Every morning I wake up to the same old life
In the sunlight, you're in my arms...

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